Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anyone here?

Okay. I feel like I do want to post things here that mean something, but I see no point of no one is going to read them. I feel like I'll post something worthless and stupid, and people comment on it. When I post something I feel connected to, no one says anything. So please, if you want me to continue with this blog, comment on this. I don't care if you just say "yes", just let me know you're out there.

Stick that in your grater and cheese-it?


Thursday, January 6, 2011


A piece of my history journal:
.... It’s my transcendentalist side speaking when I say that I believe that all these new conveniences, bigger buildings, and nicer cars are what have given people a laid-back (far too laid-back) idea of life. They see everything that the world can do for them, and really nothing that they can do for the world. When they’re handed lemons, they turn tem into robots that make their beds and watch their children. “Work” for a lot of people is sitting in a box and pushing the buttons that people tell you to. Like a complex version of the electronic game of “Simon says…” (Which was derived from a verbal game children play). I think it is horrible with how intolerant people have become, and the way they react over a small inconvenience. I‘d speak of the huge intolerance surrounding religion, but people have been that stupid since the Crusades. I don’t think that we’re headed in an upwards direction, either. With everything that goes on, and all the new technology we have to help us “live” our lives, we’re headed in the way of Pixar’s Wall-E, in which the people live in their electronics, constantly getting fatter, because they don’t do anything for themselves. Don’t know what that is? There’s an app for that!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bad moods

You know those days where NOTHING is going right? People come up to you asking if you're okay, and you just want to shred them into a million pieces? when you just can't wait to go to bed and completely forget that reality even exists? Then there is that one person who just smiles at you, or holds the door open for you and your response is "AHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! THANKS!! HAHAHA!" (or something else smooth like that). Yeah.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mockingjay. *Spoiler Alert*

********Spoiler Alert**********

Okay, I finished Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins the day after it came out, and now that most of the people I know are done with it and I have had my ranting time, I want to give my full opinion.

Before I began, I knew I loved Gale, Cinna and Katniss. In Chapter one of the book, Katniss reveals that sources told her Cinna died during capitol interrogation. I say no body, no proof, he's not dead. The reason I say this is because I have an intense love for Cinna and am happy to be in denial if it keeps him alive. As I continued reading, what seemed to have made a lot of people hate Gale, made me respect him more and more. a lot seem to hate him for a lot of the choices he made, but I think he only did what he knew had to be done. Katniss seemed to grow weaker and weaker and eventually her character became useless to me. I'm happy she didn't end up with Gale because he deserves so much better than her (I'm single!).

This brings me to Peeta. WHAT THE FRAK!!!!!!!!! He was apparently brainwashed by the Capitol into hating Katniss, led him to want to kill her, and in the later chapters seemed to be buddying up with Gale, who seemed to hate him in the first two books! He ended up with Katniss in the end and she had children for him WHICH WAS STUPID! Actually, the entire epilogue was stupid.

Finnik Odair. Loved him. He became one of my favorite characters along with Prim. Finnik was there for Katniss to talk to because he was a mental patient and they (the rebels) didn't let him really do anything. When he finally got the chance to do something after marrying his love, Annie, HE DIED. >:(. Not. Fair. Neither he nor Prim ever got the justice they deserved. Their deaths were treated as minor and I so didn't appreciate it.

Later, after all was said and done and they had President Snow captured, the rebellion wanted to create a Hunger Games for Capitol children. GENOCIDE!!! The Capitol children didn;t deserve that, and Katniss went along with it! No! No! No! No! NO! (Thankfully Katniss actually did something smart an killed Coin who was a power hungry _____ throughout the entire book.

In the end, Peeta went off with Katniss and they never saw Gale again, Cinna, Finnik and Prim all died, and Haymich returned to his alcoholism. Not what I expected and I hated the end.

I still love the series and I wrote this while wearing my mockingjay necklace. I'm just mad about the end.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Random complaint. sorry it's a little ranty.

Why are people so quick to dismiss ideas of other just because someone else failed at it? I mean--REALLY? I hate it when I talk to someone, and I give them an idea, then I ask them for their support. They answer by smiling and saying, 'thats a really good idea. You should do that' (not sarcastic). Then I say, 'Yes, but I need help. Will you do this with me?". Then they answer with something like, "Oh, people would never listen to me!" or, "I would just hold you down.". NO! If I ask for support, then I don't think it will be an issue! If I did, I wouldn't have asked!

This brings me to a point where you can agree or disagree. I think, that a lot of things that need changing, don't change because people don't think that they could make a difference. Personally, I don' think one person BY THEMSELVES can make any difference at all. However, if it was a GROUP of people, then there's something. Also, making a change is not going out with a couple of friends, yelling at people outside your local grocery store, then going and having a picnic with your buddies. I'm sorry, but I can't see that working no matter what. I think that making change is something that you work for. In my opinion, it is done at least semi-professionally. Not behind McDonalds. Sorry, but it annoys me when I see people behind someplace with their cheeseburgers holding a sign that no one can actually read.

I guess my point is, change isn't easy. So if you think something is really worth changing, it will take time and effort. But that doesn't mean give up. It just means be ready.

Friday, June 11, 2010


With that school. I'm finally done. I'm spending my junior and senior year at a high school at a college, so I never have to go to that school again. No amount of exclamation points could ever measure the joy I'm feeling right now. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I ♥ Voltaire

I was told to research two Philosophers from a list from my english class, and many of them we philosophers of math, science, and religion. I didn't take much interest and found myself growing incredibly bored with the assignment. The I began reading quotes from Voltaire, and I love is philosophy. He questions and sometimes mocks humans and society, which I do just about every day. Particularly after school. Here are some of my favorite quotes from:

I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death for your right to say it.

God is a comedian playing to an audience afraid to laugh

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it

The public is a ferocious beast--one can either chain it up or flee from it.

Common sense is not so common

A witty saying proves nothing

Anything that is to stupid to be spoken is sung

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so as well

When it's a question of money, everybody is of the same religion

To be boring is to say everything

There are more quotes that I love, but these are the main ones that really made my day. Which was good, because my day wasn't.