Monday, March 29, 2010

Hmm...Let's take a closer look at life

Now, mind you, what you are about to read is a teenager's outlook on life. You can agree, or you can keep reading out of sheer curiosity. Doesn't make a difference to me. So, that being said, LET'S GET ON WITH THE SHOW.

Okay, I'm going to lay out a timeline.
Ages 1-3: You learn to walk, talk, and wear diapers.
Ages 3-5: Preschool, let the learning process begin.
Ages 5-12: Welcome to elementary school. Most of us lean the cruel lesson of those bigger than us: those stronger than us. (unless you're me and that learning process got blocked. Resulted in a few black eyes.)
Ages 12-14: Middle school, the huge popularity contest begins. If you're not in the popular crowd, let the teasing begin!
Ages 14-18: High school. The big ol' sludge ball of fun. People start drugs, driving, sex, partying and much much more. And these people are our future?!
Ages 18-26: College(most of us anyways). The golden years.
Ages 24-65: WORK. You join the world with the other worker bees, cracking jokes, drinking coffee, and falling asleep earlier than your teenager.
Ages 65-R.I.P- Retirement, you walk, talk and wear diapers until you die.
And yet people look at me funny when I spout out the list of things I want to do. The truth is, we get one life. Rather than join the sheep who follow the others, baa-ing and grazing where the others do, I want to be something like a tiger(NOT a cougar). I want to make something of myself. I want to be one of the people who leads people down the path of adventure. I don't ever want to have to say, "Man, I wish I had chosen to do that", because the second I do that is part of my life wasted away. So let us all live life to the fullest, and with minimal regrets.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Post #1 My randomness welcomes you

Yo! This is Ashi. In case you've never heard of me before (I'm kinda assuming you haven't) this is the--dun dun da DA--INTRODUCTION POST!!!!
Hello! I'm Ashi-tomo, or just Ashi for short. I'm just that average person who decided to start a blog. A lot of people suggested it, sooooo HERE IT IS!! Whoop.
Okay, here's a little about me. If you're reading this far(without just skimming) I want you to pat yourself on the back. I am a super random girl who want to share her ideas and views of life, books, movies and anything else I feel like throwing in here. I tend to be pessimistic except for when I'm being optimistic (Gold star if you just thought 'well DUH'). I'm open to comments, as long as they remain respectful, because I'm cool until you're on my bad side, in which case I can be pretty dang scary. BUT, I want all readers out there on m good side. So... :) smiley face.

First thing I want to get out there: I hate Twilight, especially Edward Cullen. The only thing I hate more than Edward Cullen would probably be Robert Patterson( Being a teen girl, that is somewhat unusual). It may be because I read Twilight wanting a good vampire book, and got GUSH MUSH LOVEY-DOVEY GOOSH FLOOSH action GUSH GUSH GUSH. Gag me please. The Edward character creeped me out. The main character, Bella, woke up to Edward being in her room because "He liked to watch her sleep". I dunno, but that(to me) screams STALKER. And I don't see stalking as sexy. Bella also describes him as "sparkly". What does she do at school? Other girls say things like, "My boyfriend is nice," or, "My boyfriend is funny," and here come vampy's girlfriend, "Well my boyfriend is SPARKLY!!"

Ok, so, I'll try to add more soon, so thanks for reading!
